The Altar of the Rectory of Brezzo di Bedero

The Rectory of Brezzo di Bedero: a historical religious site

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The Rectory of Brezzo di Bedero, also known as the Collegiate Church of San Vittore, stands on the hill of Bedero in the center of Valtravaglia. It is an extremely valuable religious and artistic site from which one can admire Lake Maggiore, almost four hundred meters in view. Today's church has a basilica plan with three naves and has a bell tower datable to the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Romanesque sculptures, decorative frescoes, and ancient musical codices are just a few elements that make the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory an eternal treasure chest, where historical, artistic, and religious traditions are preserved.


The Rectory of Brezzo di Bedero, also known as the Collegiate Church of San Vittore, stands on the hill of Bedero in the center of Valtravaglia. It is an extremely valuable religious and artistic site from which one can admire Lake Maggiore, almost four hundred meters in view. Today's church has a basilica plan with three naves and has a bell tower datable to the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Romanesque sculptures, decorative frescoes, and ancient musical codices are just a few elements that make the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory an eternal treasure chest, where historical, artistic, and religious traditions are preserved.

History of the Rectory of Brezzo di Bedero

The history of the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory dates back to an early Christian pre-existing structure. Later, around the 12th century, the archbishop of Milan Robaldo decided to renovate the ancient religious area. The foundation dates back to 1165 by St. Galdino. Currently, the church, with a bell tower from the late 16th and early 17th centuries, has a basilica plan with three naves ending in three apses. Since 2010, the church has been supported by the State Institute of Higher Education "City of Luino-Carlo Volontè," which decided to enhance it as a place of the territory. Finally, today the Collegiate Church, besides being a cultural and religious point, is a venue for musical concerts.

Architecture of the Rectory of Brezzo di Bedero

The architecture of the Rectory of San Vittore di Brezzo di Bedero is Romanesque. It should be pointed out that the building and the various architectural elements have been remodeled several times over the centuries, and therefore the appearance has changed over time. It is a stone building with a salient facade, punctuated by pilasters. Currently, the plan structure is basilical with three naves which end with three apses. As is common practice, the nave is higher than the two side aisles and has an exposed wooden roof. The bell tower can be dated to between the late 16th and early 17th centuries.

The Frescoes and Works of Art of the Rectory of Brezzo di Bedero

The Brezzo di Bedero Rectory houses precious frescoes and important works of art inside. The most significant frescoes date from the early 16th century and depict, for example, the Majestas Domini (=Majesty of the Lord) in the apse basin and the martyrdom of St. Victor in the sacristy. Notable works of art include Romanesque sculptures that were intended for pulpit decoration, an early Christian tomb slab, an epigraph from 1509, carved wooden stalls, and a seventeenth-century organ. Finally, there are four music codices dating from the 12th, 14th and 15th centuries, essential for the study of Ambrosian chant.

Conservation and Restoration of the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory

The Brezzo di Bedero Rectory has undergone several restorative interventions over time. In 1574, Cardinal Carlo Borromeo visited the Collegiate Church, and thanks to him the aisles were covered with vaults where previously there had been wooden ceilings that remained exposed in the nave. Between 1973 and 1978 it was decided to carry out an overall revisiting campaign and a pagan tombstone (5th century) was identified. Finally, in 1979 work was coordinated on the frescoes, which underwent conservative restoration.

How to Reach the Rectory of Brezzo di Bedero

The San Vittore Rectory in Brezzo di Bedero (VA) is easily accessible: -by car: from Varese following Via Canonica, 17, 21010 Bedero VA. -By bus: through the public service of Autolinee Varesine line No. 03. -By train: by getting off at Porto Valtravaglia (VA) or Laveno Mombello (VA). -By ferry: through the public service of Navigazione dei Laghi with descent at Luino (VA) or Laveno Mombello (VA). -On foot: from the municipality of Brezzo di Bedero (VA) following Via Canonica.


What is the history of the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory?
The history of the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory dates back to a pre-existing early Christian structure.
What works of art are present in the Rectory?
Works of art such as decorative frescoes, an early Christian tomb slab, Romanesque pulpit sculptures, four music codices, carved wooden stalls, and the 17th-century organ are featured in the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory.
What events are held at the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory?
Musical concerts and religious ceremonies are held at the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory.
How can I visit the Rectory of Brezzo di Bedero?
You can visit the Brezzo di Bedero Rectory by organizing a trip to Valtravaglia.
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