Borromean Islands Photos

The Borromean Islands: a prestigious archipelago in Piedmont

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The Borromean Islands, in Piedmont, constitute the most prestigious archipelago on Lake Maggiore. They are mainly Isola Bella, Isola Madre and Isola dei Pescatori. The archipelago is located in the middle of Lake Maggiore to the west, and this stretch of the lake overlooks Stresa, Verbania and Baveno: the main tourist resorts in the area. In the 14th century, the Borromeo family became owners of the islands and provided the impetus for the construction of the sumptuous palaces and beautiful gardens. Nowadays, the islands are real cultural and historical points, visited by many people every year and, thanks to their natural heritage, they constitute excellent landscape areas.

History of the Borromean Islands

The name of the Borromean Islands comes from the family that became its owners in the 14th century. It was a lineage originally from Florence that used to spend vacations on Lake Maggiore, which was a vacation spot for many nobles of the time. The Borromeo family decided to build sumptuous palaces and beautiful gardens on the islands so as to make them real cultural and naturalistic jewels. Many historical figures passed through here and were amazed by the enchanting atmosphere they found. One recalls, for example, Napoleon, who between August 17 and 18, 1797, stayed inside the rooms of the magnificent Borromeo Palace on Isola Bella.

Isola Bella: The Jewel of Lake Maggiore

Isola Bella, until 1630, was a rock inhabited by fishermen and possessed two churches. When the Borromeo family acquired it, they made it a marvelous place with the Borromeo Palace, which to this day is a significant cultural point thanks to its Baroque rooms adorned with prestigious works of art. Of particular note are the Throne Room, the Queens Room, the Tapestry Room and the Grottoes. Of extreme value is the Berthier Gallery: a collection of more than 130 paintings comprising some of the greatest masters including Raphael, Titian and Guido Reni. Outside, it is the Italian Baroque Garden, built between 1631-1671, that dominates the entire scene with the Teatro Massimo, rare blooms and the Unicorn statue, symbol of the Borromeo family.

Isola Madre: The Botanical Garden and the Historic Villa

Isola Madre has a very ancient history as it emerged as early as the Ice Age. Initially inhabited by a few people and known as the island of San Vittore, it became a prestigious place only from 1563: when Renato Borromeo became its owner. It was during this period that the construction site of the present Borromeo Palace was best organized. Pellegrino Pellegrini, known as Tibaldi, a prominent architect of the time, was commissioned to work on the grand structure. The 'building, with a late 16th-century appearance and filled with works of art, houses, for example, the Reception Hall, the Venetian Drawing Room and the Library. Finally, the English-style botanical garden, dating from the early 19th century, gathers a multitude of exotic plants, rare flowers and majestic peacocks that exceptionally dominate the entire island park.

Fisherman's Island: Traditions and Local Culture

Isola dei Pescatori, also known as Isola Superiore, despite being part of the Borromean Islands archipelago, was never really owned by the Borromeo family. Moreover, it is the only island to be permanently inhabited, characterized by narrow alleys and a delightful little square. The most important place of interest is the Church of San Vittore, which originally corresponded to a chapel dating back to the 11th century. The church contains 16th-century frescoes inside and houses a 17th-century high altar adorned with busts of the four bishops: St. Ambrose of Milan, St. Gaudentius of Novara, St. Francis de Sales, and St. Charles Borromeo. On the island, ancient local traditions survive to this day. Some of the most important ones involve the evening of Ferragosto when a procession is organized with fishing boats, which are lit and carry the statue of the Assumption around the island. Finally, on the evening of Epiphany Eve, children run through the streets dragging a rope with tin cans tied to it to wake up the Befana.

How to Reach the Borromean Islands

The Borromean Islands in Piedmont, in Stresa (VCO), can be reached: -by car: with arrival in Verbania and then with ascent exclusively on foot on ferries and/or boats; -by ferry: from Verbania or Stresa via the public Navigazione dei Laghi service; -by boat: from Verbania or Stresa via the public service of Navigazione dei Laghi; -on foot: from Stresa to then board the ferry. For detailed information, please visit the official ''Navigazione dei Laghi'' Web page.

Advice for Visitors

Visitors are advised to organize their itinerary as best they can so as not to miss any of the attractions on the islands. In addition, it is recommended to start the visit early in the morning so as to have the entire day to devote entirely to all the cultural and natural sites of the Borromean Gulf. It is recommended to visit with the support of guides or audio guides with the purpose of being able to better understand the places and monuments of the lake realities. It is recommended not to rub or ruin the works of art in the buildings. Finally, the use of comfortable shoes to be able to walk the best is highly recommended.


What is the best time to visit the Borromean Islands?
The best time to visit the Borromeo Islands is in spring and summer.
How can I get to the Borromean Islands?
You can reach the Borromeo Islands through the Lake Maggiore public boat service.
How long does it take to visit all the Borromean Islands?
To visit all the Borromeo Islands requires a full day or a weekend.
What are the main must-see attractions on the Borromean Islands?
The main attractions not to be missed on the Borromeo Islands are cultural, historical, natural, floral and wildlife attractions.
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